Faces of a Just Cause

Faces of a Just Cause

There are many reasons to serve the cause of Peace. Take your pick. Do you watch the news and see the never-ending wars? Are you moved by the faces of those suffering from hunger and malnutrition? Or maybe you see your own children and grandchildren and want the world to be a better place for them.

I have my reason for serving Peace, and I’ve already discussed my primary motive in a previous essay, but I must confess that I’ve never been more driven by another cause. I need nothing more to motivate me, and yet the world offers up a bounty of reasons to stand.

When is the violence to much violence? Have we become desensitized by what we see on film and television? The suffering we see on the evening news is visceral. The images of innocence lost are the epitome of reality television. So why do we marginalize the suffering of other people by changing the channel when we see their pain reported on the news?

I suppose we may feel a sense of helplessness, or even a disconnect because it’s easy to press a button on the remote and change the channel. Still others (and I hope they’re in the minority) simply don’t care. It would be different if the pain and suffering were at our feet. Then there would be no escaping it. God forbid it happen to our friends or even our family.

I think it’s a mistake to change the channel without acknowledging the suffering of others; even if they are half a world away. I’m tired of the images of children dying in the streets of Syria, or in the villages of The Sudan. These are the faces of a just cause. If I can do something, anything, to bring about change, then I will try to do so. I simply cannot remain quiet.

If you have had enough of the senseless violence and suffering, I ask you to get involved in any way possible to serve the cause of Peace. We can make a difference.

Jack Bass—Founder of The Peace Initiative

John Bass
PO Box 14 MCN 2C6
Concord, NH. 03302