Shanked, Scarred, and Traumatized this MSP Inmate is Seeking Justice

Dear Sofie [sic] Inchains,

Hello!  My name is Christopher [last name omitted], I am a 21 year old male at the Maine State Prison.  Recently, a serious occurrence has happened to me here at MSP.  My very good friend [name omitted] suggested that I write a letter to you describing my problem.

So, here’s the rundown…

On 7/22/11 I went to the recreation building and was in the gym.  Mind you, I am a Medium custody prisoner.  I was slashed from behind, across my face and my neck.  This happened to me from a close custody prisoner.  (Maximum Custody)

Okay, so here’s the clincher; At first I truely [sic] did believe that my throut [sic] was cut.  But I did not react as most people have indicated that would have been “natural”.  Naturally, I protected myself.  (Using my hands only, of course!)  Upon protecting myself, I was stitched up in Medical, then brought directly to the Super-Max Unit.  There I was held on Administrative Segregation for 20 days.  During which, I wrote a letter to Warden “Patty” Barnhart with my concerns about MDOC policy not being consulted in lieu of my administrative Segregation status.  I was release immediately, because I should have never been brought there.

I was written-up (Inhouse Charge) on 2 different Violations; Class A-Bodily Injury, Class B-Fighting.  I have recently been informed that because a time period, these have been dropped, but for no other reason but the facility not meeting the expected timed scheduale [sic].

Resulting from this attack, Many issues have surfaced during the course of it.

First, after being handcuffed and led to the Medical, I was uncuffed and placed on a table for observations.  The nurse cleaned and stared to stitch my face back together.  While this was in progress, the suspected Attacker was led by wheelchair, unsecured, through Medical to the room on my immediate right.  All during which nurses freely walk in and out of both rooms, leaving the doors opened.  Being placed in that situation, I was worried about another attack, and being unable to protect myself if indeed another occurred.  I was instilled with fear and anxiety at that time.  I’m forced to relive this tragic attack, everyday, everytime [sic] I look into a mirror or a reflection in the windows around.  People stare at my scar, ask about it, interupt [sic] my daily life.  This has made me self-concious [sic], extremely depressed, and has stared to make me anxious around large groups.  Because of the scar, I will remember this trauma forever.

The slash, is between 5 and 6 inches long, and is now a prominent feature on my face.  It begins on my right cheek, where the outside of my eye and the bottom of my nose intersects.  It continues outward towards, and across my jaw-line.  it then leads down under my right ear and across my neck, through to my hairline.  The stitches, (22 in all) were done very poorly; 3 placed inside, 19 on the outside.  My face being scarred further due to the bunching of the skin, and the botching of the sutures.

This scar could potentually [sic] ruin my entire future!  My social life, job oppertunities [sic], anything in which a physical appearance is necessary.

Not only was Medical unhelpful, I was never offered an anti-biotic, or pain medication during the whole ordeal.  I went through immense pain during and through-out the entire ordeal.  I experience an unbearable week and a half (10 days) of pain.  I couldn’t eat, talk, or even sleep without being in pain.

I am being subjected to punishment for protecting myself!  Protecting my own personal safety to avoid any further serious damage to myself.  Yet, the Maine State Prison, (of whom is responsible to ensure [sic] prisoner safety) was unable to ensure [sic] my safety, forcing me to act and react in a self defense.  I had to take immediate action to be able to maintain self preservation.  Therefore, I believe that my actions and behavior were completely justified.  But due to all the action thereafter resulting from the incedent [sic], my personal right to be safe have been violated and the MDOC’s prison officials behavior toward me was seriously unjustified.

So, there it is.  I have more details in which concern this issue, but need to consult an attorney.  (If I can find one).  But this part is my issue, I am unable to finance this.  I’ve got no money to be able to pursue this, but I really need a civil lawyer to assist me.  I was advised to contact Zachary L. Heiden of the M.C.L.U., of whom I will write to soon.

Thank you very much for taking your time to read this.  Please contact me as soon as you can possibly do it.


Maine State Prison

Denied Medical Treatment, Property Missing 3 Years, and Serious Doubts About Ponte


Dear Sophie Inchains I got some stuff for you to put on the computer if you so kindly could.

First back in 2008 I went to federal prison from here.  This place was suppose to send my property home.  Well it never made it there.  Back then this place famous for stolen property.  Well get this this happened in 2008 well done day I got out of S.M.U and when I got out and got my property after getting out of S.M.U they gave me my photo album from 2008!  They gave it to me in 2011.  I said to the property officer I said I don’t have a photo album yet he said well there are photo’s [sic] of you in here so I looked at it and it was my photo album from 2008.  I almost cryed [sic] when I looked at it because all of the photo’s [sic] of my dead brother is in there.  So I got my phot [sic] album from 2008 I did not have when I got heare [sic] and they refuse to admit my property from 2008 got stolen.  That is the first thing.

2 I am being refused medical treatment I’ve been on the list to see the P.A for five weeks I have not seen her yet I talk to the deputy warden and she ignores me.  The only people they listen to is the child molesters the [sic] protect them dirt bags big time.  Anyway I talked to the administrator of medical Mike Kapanos he lied to my face.  he said he would get me in to see the P.A. on an emergency.  2 day’s [sic] later he said he is waiting for DR Shubert to come back from vacation in 2 week’s [sic] and he will try to get me in to see him.  I have been on the list to see DR Shubert for 7 (seven) months I have not seen him yet.  They are refusing us medical treatment.  They changed there [sic] name because they are getting sued so much.  That is it on that subject

This prison is in bad shape it is being run like a joke.  9 offcers [sic] quit nobody wants to work here.  There are more quitting they just dont [sic] no [sic] it yet.  This new commisher [sic] is pissing people off.  Ever since he took over the violence has doubled.  Paul Lapage [sic] hired commisher [sic] Ponte as a trouble shooter and to find way’s [sic] to save and make money.  In the process soon there is not going to be enough c/o’s to run this place.  What are they going to do then.  And I can tell you the inmates are getting real pissed off bad.  Because retards run the place.

Sophie that is all I go please post this you’re the best


Maine State Prison

Lack of Medical Attention Forces Inmate to Suffer Bleeding from Pores and Staph Infection for Months

Sorry about spelling


Sophie,                                                                                                7-14-11

Hello my name is Carl [last name omitted] and I have heard about you through another inmate here in Windham.  I’m going to get raight [sic] to the point of my issue.  I was incarserated [sic] in [month omitted] 2008 and have had some serious issues with the medical staff.

When I came here I was on Cumidon [sic] a blood thinner.  I had a blood clott [sic] in my right leg due to a fall in which I broke both legs.  My doctor in Saco had m levels at the right amount I needed to be at that time.  [exact medical information omitted]  I relayed this info to the med tech when I was prosessed [sic] here.  And that I needed to be tested once a week at least.  A week went by and no test.  So I put in a request to have it done and they said they would do it.  Well they didn’t and another week went by, still no test.  I requested it again and the same thing once again.  Anyways I started spitting up blood.  I thought nothing of it cause there was others who had issues with the air quility [sic].  They still never tested me, and this went on for over a month.  By this time it was the end of January 2009.  I had been complaining of pains in my stomach and having bad headachs [sic].  And spitting up more blood and started having angzity [sic] attacks.  They too an exray [sic] of my chest and thought I had phnamonia [sic] at first.  They finally took a test and it went to lab and got lost so they said.  Then another test and it came back that my levels were high.  They stopped the med.  But this time it was to late.  Wen to medical 2 more times of complaints.  The second time I woke up freaking out cause I had blood coming out in my urion [sic].  They took me to medical and was taking my blood pressare [sic] and I had blood coming out my poors [sic].  This is the extent I had to go through to get them to send me to the hospital.  I was in Maine Med. for 4 days.  My levels were up to 10 and they said thats [sic] not good.  They took a cat scan of my stomach and I had a tare [sic] in my stomach.  Then a cat scan of my head and I had blood on my brain.  In which I still have bad head achs [sic] from.  Thats [sic] just the begining [sic] of my medical night mare [sic] with this place.  In November of 2010 I stared having an issue where my legs were very itchy and breaking out.  I also had a patch on my left leg, it was about 4” long 2” wide with a red outline.  The middle of it was dry feeling.  Anyways they gave me Hydacordizone [sic] cream to treat all this.  Cream did no good still itchy and was spreding [sic] over my body.  So they thought it was egsama [sic] and told me to use lotion.  I did and the patch on my leg changed.  On one side the red outline broke away.  And it looked like a red vainy [sic] up my leg.  They gave me an Antibiotic which looked to be working.  Unitl they stopped the med.  Then it got worse and was still itchy and was spredding [sic] fast.  They still treated it as egsama [sic] with creams and oitments [sic].  Nothing worked really the A + D oitment [sic] seemed to help but didn’t get rid of it.  This wen on for months and most of the time they would say its [sic] egsama [sic] or I cant [sic] figure out what to do for it.  And all along it just got worse.  By this time its January of 2011.  And my hole [sic] body was like a sunburn and itchy.  They put me on steroids, Antibiotics, creams, oitments [sic].  The iratation [sic] on my body subsided by was getting worse + worse on my legs.  My arms also had dryness and itchy.  It seemed that they were getting it under control with the Antibiotics and the A + D oitment [sic].  But they stopped the Antibiotics again.  Its [sic] June now and my legs have fluids comming [sic] out the poors [sic] and are very painful.  They are like a scaly look and are dry + cracking.  They finally decided to send me to a specialist and they looked at it and raight [sic] away knew it was an infection in which it is at stage 2 infection.  They took a culture and sent it to the lab.  Perscribed [sic] some different meds.  A stronger antibiotic and a type of soak for the legs.  A week later the lab results came back.  It a type of Staph infection.  And they started treated my issue.  I also had a talk with the medical director and told her what my thoughts were.  Well thats [sic] about all for now.  I am very agrivated [sic] with what I have gone through.  I am just glad I am still alive.  But I know how serious this could have been.  I hope to hear from you soon.


Take care for now,
