A Just US System the Political Schemers


Politicians want to look tough on crime, but they are the ones to blame for prison overcrowding, to them it’s just a Money Game. This is the law they enacted, so what is it really all about? A game they play with human lives called “3-Strikes and you’re out.”

Back in 1994, they started giving us all this time, throwing the key away? They see money, money, money on the prisoners face; no concerns about Rehabilitation just fill up the prison space. That’s what this is all about, what we did was wrong yes, but no one was killed or really hurt but the system is throwing us away like Garbage and Treating Us like Dirt.

This unfair law is affecting everyone who is morally conscious and aware of true justice. If a person has paid for a crime he or she has done in the past, by doing his or her time, then what makes it right, to force that person to be charged again for that same crime that has been paid for?

It’s called overcharging and taking advantage of the power the citizens of California has given to politicians who is supposed to uphold the standards of truth, justice, and fair play.

They took us away from society, with greed in mine, affecting our children and the possibilities in our lives, just so they could capitalize. They have locked us up and don’t seem to want to let us go, a living Hell the over crowding, like living in Roach Motel.

This law was supposed to protect our children, but our schools have taken a fall, it’s about the money, man, not justice for all.

Bad Politicians are cutting our children’s education by millions upon millions of other peoples hard-earned tax dollars they take away from our children’s hopes, their dreams and handicap their future this is not leadership, but a greedy diabolical inhumane scheme that must go away. A monstrous atrocity:

The worst I ever saw, a unjust rule, they call “The 3-Strikes Law”

Written by JJ Walker and Revised by Jimmy Gaffeney Jr. aka Yusuf.

What Comes Next?


Hello fellow Blgrs.

Yeah, its me again, the bald shiny-head black guy.  First, I give props to my friend Sophie!  Once again, I have to delve into race one of the most boring subjects there is.  Now, understand me, this countries track record on the subject past behavior was ruthless and yet in the twenty-first century, we haven’t progressed much.  Lets look at the word-American-what comes to mind: one people moving in one direction concerned only with the upward mobility of all its citizens.  Tell me this, can an organism function without all its parts?  Can it merely move separately from its whole self?  can it fight off diseases in pieces?  These are fundamental questions that need answering without making it seem so scientific, which keeps this country from reaching its full potential.  Until we, as one people, solve these simple questions we’ll never solve the global issue that plagues us today.


Look at China, you might not like them, but look how they move in one direction.  The entire organism moving for a common cause, being the best as a whole Chinese Nation, Germany, Russia and many others nations not fragmented, but pushing forward for the whole cause.


Now, I’m no scholar now scientist only a mere layman doing prison time.  So, how long will it take for this-once great nation-to assemble its fragmented pieces?  Will we continue to express American as a fragmented society or will we rise to the occasion and practice the true idealism America truly stands for.  Over a twenty year period America has went from first to almost last.  How do we account for that?  What is the excuse?  Whose to blame?  But most importantly, what is our solution?  If we don’t find out quickly we might end up seeing this once great nation succumb to vassalage.


People!  Lets find the answers!




To my friend



in struggle

A 24-year-old Man’s Journey to Folsom Prison


After a seventeen and one-half hour bus drive from Chino, California to Represa California, the-Grey-goose-a term that convicts dubbed for the transportation when traveling from the reception center to your final destination.  Suddenly there was a grave-yard at the foot of this winding road leading to the infamous Old Folsom one of the deadliest prisons in California.  As we sputtered up this road a big structure loomed ahead of us.  Picture in your mind a twenty-four year old inexperienced young guy playing like there’s nothing to worry about.  know, I was scared to death!  Mind you, I’m innocent!  Anyway, the gigantic thirty foot doors slowly crept open.  I’d heard many things about Folsom but to actually be there and spend a lot of time there until I capture my freedom was not in my plans.  The Grey-goose slowly entered the pale structure.  As I looked at this monstrosity it looked as if someone took some dynamite and blasted a deep pit and stared building.  We sat their [sic] waiting to be received.  Freddie Jackson’s Rock With Me Tonight was playing, but no one was rockin.


Finally, we were taken to this area over-looking the yard people were milling about.  Suddenly, the yard when down everyone sat down.  I strained to see what was going on my heart was pounding my neck was on a swivel and then I saw correctional officers running with a gurney and as I strained to see the person on the gurney was laying side-ways with what appeared to be a pole thrust through his body.  That scared me terribly!  I didn’t know what to think.  I sat down looking at nothing seeing nothing.  Just as quickly a loud speaker announced-resume program-.  Now I know what those words meant, but they had to be a mistake.  Being placed about the track I yelled down at someone asking them what those words meant.  At that moment people were walking around like nothing happened.  I’d just seen a pole rammed through this persons body and the administration just announced, resume program.


I got there on a Wednesday and all through the week people were getting stuck with knives.  The following Wednesday another person was killed.  From the very first day I knew I was going to keep my nose reeled to my face!


Prison life, then, was a treacherous and violent to the point were eventually a person becomes complacent in that environment.  There’s been many wars fought along racial lines.  Mexicans and Blacks Whites and Blacks.  The cycle of violence never ended.


This is just a taste of what I went through.  Until next time



Always Respect


In the struggle




Inmates Raise 2500$ for Backbacks: CDCR & School District Say, ‘Cash Only’

Sept. 11. 11

Fellow Bloggers

This week I wanted to discuss trials and tribulations this country is having instead an experience I and a couple of friends went through should be noted.  First off, let me theorize on what rehabilitation is and please, Cyber friends, tell me if I’m incorrect.  Shouldn’t it consist of those who have wronged anyone or society the opportunity to repay, redeem or otherwise re-develope [sic] their way of thinking?

My friend Chuck thought of this splendid idea of giving back to those who are less fortunate.  The idea was called-The ABC Back Pack Project- in which we collect donations from the inmates in order to purchase ‘backpacks’ and fill them with school supplies.  We had given the inmates a vision of being able to do something for a child who is unfortunate, but yet put a smile on that child’s face.  CDC recently put the R at the end meaning rehabilitation.  Well, we were in for a rude awakening.  We collected close to twenty-five hundred dollars and that was for the first quarter.  As we were about to have the sponsor of our self help group called BRAG purchase the backpacks the administration decided it would be inappropriate because of some confidentiality mess.  Once before this same group gave a check to a fourth grade class for a field trip and those same kids sent us cards thanking us for what we did which was a wonderful feeling.

Well the superintendent of the school and the administration here wanted us to just cut a check and be through with it.  That’s not the image we gave to the men on this line.  People, this state has mis-managed its affairs and to just give them a check doesn’t ensure those needy kids will receive backpacks.

Here in California the governor—Brown—has cut education here drastically.  Now, it is assumed that kids will only attend schools four days a week.  Now who do you think cares about the generation of kids in this society.




An Inmate Ponders Racism, Christianity, and Foreign Policy


Greetings fellow


Please, am I hearing and seeing things, because apparently, the ole US of A has begun to pay close attention to China.  Say it isn’t so!  Why?  because their fast becoming the global economic engine that the states use to be?  or it is simply despising the changing order.  Now there’s nothing wrong in being a leader, but you must adhere to the basic tenets: take care of home first!  Western ideology pastulates [sic] individual accomplishments: you get yours and I’ll get mine.


They say capitalism is great!  Yes, only to those that are in the minority and I don’t mean that racially.  Now that the world has changed we’ve fallen behind.  Fallen short or just plumb failed!  Which brings me to this question.  how did the most advanced nation in the world as a Western civilization stumble?  I’m using a softer euphemism in describing whats [sic] really going on.  And people know this there’s a lot going on which people refuse to talk about.  It is a shame to be labeled a world power and yet in the twenty first century our racial biases dominates the minds of all Americans from toddlers to elders.  To me, we are very much primitive in our out-dated [sic] thoughts.


We are a nation of three-hundred million and we can’t take care of ourselves.  Greed, greed and more greed will continue to bring this once great nation to its knees.  Instead of focussing [sic] on China and what they’re doing we need to clean-up our own back-yard before instead of owing this one-trillion dollars it’ll be two-trillion.


As long as this country remains elitist it’ll never again be the light of the world.  It’s a horrendous act when we claim, as a nation, to be Christians and can’t mete out the simplest of Jesus’ acts.  giving alms.  Can we become that beacon again?



Love ya.

Cyber world